Modernista! had the challenge of creating this Alternate Reality Game for the hit Showtime drama, Dexter. In this completely original project, the team of creatives: Davi Liu, Xavier Teo, Rochelle Raiss, Adrian Alexander, Lorelei Bandrovschi, Tony Fruscienate along with Director of Production Liz Shook, and associate producer Matt Marty, spent a few months hiding clues, creating suspense and entertaining Dexter fans across the country. The 22-minute finale was edited by Collin; there were actually two end scenarios that the audience ultimately decided between. Over the course of three days while Collin edited, Team Accomplice composited, color corrected and assisted with editorial. Throughout, it was amazing to hear of the stories and the amount of effort put forth by the M! team to pull this off. Kudos to all of them for originality and truly interesting content.
Go through the game and the process at . And for a full timeline of the project check out